Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

A New Theory on the Causes of Sickle Cell Anemia Part 1

The word “Sickle” can be related to the Biblical reaping of souls of men in the end days. A postulated worldview gaining notoriety is that during the tribulation times of the Bible, there was an angel who harvested the souls of the Earth, after the wheat and the tares were separated. The wheat were saved and permitted access to the Kingdom of God, and the tares were punished and sent to the refiner’s fire. I have no conclusive theory to present, but I do see a connection of this past event to the times we are currently living in. As Sickle Cell cases rise across America, I believe that this is a time for a spiritual reaping. 

As we are in or currently approaching the 120th Jubilee cycle, starting sometime between the years 2024-2025, I believe there will be a 7 year period of outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth, especially those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ for the removal of their sins. That being said, people born with SCA are all sensitive and spiritual people. These people may have been designated to physically take upon themselves the sins and discrepancies of their forefathers and foremothers. Their ancestral tree. Because of this, they have accumulated an immense amount of toxic heavy metals, and oxide forms of certain minerals, causing enzyme synthesis dysfunction, and contamination of bone marrow and stem cell synthesis. 

I believe that with a combination of prayer, spiritual dedication, and therapies such as Nutritional Balancing and others, those born with SCA are able to heal ancestral trauma and sins of the foreparents, which extends not only forwards to their lineage, but also backwards to those ancestors past, because time, as is currently being taught by physicists, is not simply linear. Let’s dive into some Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis laboratory results to get a perspective of the above mentioned thought frame.

We used, and still currently use Analytical Research Labs to do our hair analysis reports because they do not wash the hair before they run it through their testing machines. Laboratories that wash hair before testing use strong chemicals that skew the results and make it more difficult to interpret them correctly, and suggest the proper daily mineral and vitamins supplements. We did the first hair analysis on Daniel Berry when he was 2 years old. The results showed:

  1. Extremely high level of a toxic oxide form of Potassium, which at that time in 2014, was the highest level Dr. Larry Wilson had recorded seeing. Daniel’s potassium level was 292 mg, when a healthy range is between 6-10 mg. 

  2. Very low zinc. Daniel’s zinc level was 8 mg, the optimal zinc level is around 20 mg. 

  3. High levels of many toxic heavy metals, including aluminum, cadmium, and nickel.

  4. Indicators for other heavy metal contaminants such as lead and mercury.

  5. Toxic oxide forms of minerals that always accompany each other; Iron, manganese, copper, chromium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium. These minerals are all essential to the cells, but when in oxide form, are not absorbable and do not function properly. They actually become detrimental to the body. Dr. Larry Wilson has coined them under the term “Amigos” because they always show up together on a hair analysis. Even if one of these mineral levels is high, and others are not, once a person begins to do the proper diet, supplements, and detoxification procedures, the other oxide forms begin to show up on subsequent hair analysis tests. 

  6. Extremely low Sodium/Potassium ratio. Known as the vitality ratio, the most important ratio because it provides the electrical energy necessary for healing and regenerative power. Daniel’s initial Na/K ratio was 0.49 mg. The optimal ratio is 2.5 mg.

  7. Very low Calcium/Potassium ratio and very high Sodium/Magnesium ratio, indicating over active thyroid and adrenal glands. 

  8. High calcium/magnesium ratio indicates too many simple carbohydrates in the diet, and an imbalance of blood sugar. 

We spoke about the importance of the sodium/potassium ratio in another article. This ratio must rise in every sickle cell client for improvement and regeneration to occur. The removal of oxide forms of potassium, and the reception of healthy forms of potassium by the body are crucial to correcting this ratio. Healthy forms of potassium come in cooked vegetables, such as cooked greens, red cabbage, daikon, rutabaga, carrots, onions, and more. Cooked vegetables should be eaten with every meal in order to achieve the proper amount of bioavailable potassium, and all other minerals. 

When the cells are lacking proper nutrition, toxic metals and chemicals that abound in our environment come and take the place of the essential nutrients. They’re able to do this because there are toxic metals that have a similar molecular form as each essential mineral. For example, cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that serves no good function in the human body. But when calcium storage is low, and not properly functional in the bones, cadmium, being similar in structure, can fit into enzyme binding sites within the cells, and sites within the bones. Cadmium will serve as a placeholder for calcium, to cause structural integrity of the bones. But the bone health itself will suffer immensely over time if cadmium is not replaced with good calcium. Each heavy metal and toxin has a place that it can sneak in and be used by the body to perform a task that is supposed to be reserved for an essential mineral. 

How and why does this happen? With every successive generation there is an accumulation of sins, transgressions, traumas, pain and suffering that get imprinted into the nonphysical parts of the human system. The imprinting of bad things over time weakens the protective but invisible field around the body, leaving holes within the field, and dark spiritual forces are able to penetrate the field and implant negative codes within the energy centers of the body, causing damage to the soul, and the components of the physical body. In addition, weakening of soil our food is grown in, the increasing amount of processed and unhealthy food, along with the increased amount of sinful transgressions pushed by the media further weakens the energy centers of the body, and the protective energy field around the body. It requires less good Light energy to absorb oxide or carbonate forms of minerals, which are toxic. 

In order to absorb the bioavailable healthy forms of minerals, the body must have an ample amount of Light energy. “Dark energy”, aka “Dark Matter” is necessary for the body to absorb unhealthy oxide and carbonate forms of minerals. This energy of course is invisible to the eye, and can only be sensed by a highly spiritual person, or possibly through the right machines, such as a Kirlian photography machine. For this reason, it is difficult, even when utilizing a Nutritional Balancing Program, to see quick and great improvements, unless the person is connected to Jesus Christ in spirit and faith. Christ is literally the Light of the world, meaning that the energy that emanates from Him animates and energizes our own vessels, not just spiritually, but physically as well. This is not figurative or allegorical. 

When we walk with the Lord, He literally inserts His Spirit, which is Light into our Earthly vessels, giving us the ability to readily absorb the proper forms of minerals, if we eat the correct diet, take the necessary supplements for today’s environment, and live the proper lifestyle. Dark Matter or Dark Energy is the energy of the world we live in. It can be utilized to live and be successful in worldly endeavors, but the fullness of an abundant and purposeful life for the Kingdom of God can be realized only through Christ, because He has been given the rulership of the Universe. Through proper nutritional balancing, and lifestyle alterations, we are strengthened, and oxide forms of minerals are removed and replaced with bioavailable forms.

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

A New Theory on the Causes of Sickle Cell Anemia Part 2

The adrenal glands are usually very weak or imbalanced in cases of sickle cell. The proper amount of rest, nutrition, supplementation, and balancing of the oxidation rate will help to strengthen the adrenal glands. When the adrenals become strong enough to function without the use of heavy metals being used as cheap placeholders, they can finally be discarded. Heavy metals are retained in the organs and glands when the organs and glands are nutrient deficient and not strong enough to perform daily tasks without the stimulation and irritation of heavy metals. Heavy metals are like cheap replacement parts for a machine. They serve a purpose for a short period of time, but ultimately cause the entire machine to malfunction over time. 

  1. Toxic oxide or carbonate form of Iron: Iron toxicity can accumulate in the heart and the arteries. When this happens, all manner of iron overload symptoms can occur. Toxic forms of iron also collect in the pancreas, and can lead to diabetes or hypoglycemia. It also collects in the amygdala inside of the brain. The amygdala is part of the limbic system, which contributes to emotional regulation and memory. Toxic iron stored in the amygdala can cause a person to have excessive anger, whether apparent or held within.

  2. Toxic oxide or carbonate form of Manganese: Toxic forms of manganese can affect the personality, especially because it is deposited greatly in the brain. It can cause arrogance, a non-emotional, non nurturing disposition. If extremely high, it can lead to schizophrenia characteristics. When toxic forms of manganese are replaced with healthy forms, these negative character traits begin to fade. 

  3. Toxic metal Aluminum: Aluminum is a toxic metal that has no healthy purpose in the body. It can replace calcium in the bones if there is not enough bioavailable calcium there, and not enough Light energy to facilitate Calcium absorption. Aluminum has its greatest influence on the brain, and can lead to impaired cognitive function and memory. Aluminum buildup in the brain can contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.

  4. Toxic metal Nickel: Nickel accumulates in the kidneys and the brain. Fear, anxiety, and many traumas associated with fear, lack of self esteem, feelings of inferiority are stored in the kidneys. Nickel causes these negative feelings to generate. Within the brain, nickel can cause depression, sadness, loneliness, and at high levels, suicidal thoughts.  

  5. Toxic oxide or carbonate forms of Copper: Toxic forms of copper first accumulate in the liver, then brain and reproductive organs. In the blood, when copper is biounavailable, because copper binding proteins are not present, or for other reasons, anemia can follow. The synthesis of copper binding proteins requires healthy mineral nutrients, and removal of toxic heavy metals. Copper binding proteins help convert digested copper into forms usable for the body. Biounavailable copper toxicity is linked to chronic viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and yeast infections. Prevalent infections that can plague SCA clients are exacerbated by toxic copper toxicity. 

Chromium, selenium, and phosphorus can cause damage to the body when in an oxide or carbonate form. Supplementing the body with good forms of these minerals, balancing the oxidation rate, correcting the mineral ratios, helps to replace toxic forms of these minerals with healthy forms. 

Other Toxic Heavy Metals High on Daniel’s Initial Hair Analysis

Toxic Lead: Lead toxicity has been known about for generations. Particularly in the Negro American population, many children were exposed to lead paint, and lead toxic drinking water. There is no positive purpose for lead to be in the body. For generations we have heard of the negative effects lead has on mental intelligence. It also tends to make a person more selfish. Lead can take the place of calcium in the bones, causing bone problems, especially as one ages. Most importantly for sickle cell clients, lead can replace calcium in blood cells, causing a malfunction in hemoglobin function and can lead to severe anemia. 

In order to rid the body of lead, one must build enough vitality and healing power from the correct diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and detoxification procedures. Blood tests simply do not show the level of depth as Hair Analysis, because hair analysis reflects the condition of the body on a cellular level, as opposed to a blood level. The body will do as much as it can to cleanse the blood of toxins, and will store heavy metals inside the cells of tissues, organs, and glands. A properly done hair analysis will show these deeper intricacies. 

Toxic Cadmium: The Kidneys and cardiovascular system are greatly damaged by Cadmium. Healthy forms of Zinc are required for hundreds of enzymes, which are catalysts for protein synthesis and necessary chemical reactions in the body. Cadmium is a zinc antagonist, and lowers zinc levels, and attempts to replace zinc in enzyme binding sites. Sickle cell anemia clients have problems with enzyme production, which definitely can create a myriad of severe health effects that we see in the sickle cell community daily. The transportation of hemoglobin in part depends on the synthesis of certain proteins and production of certain enzymes that can be stifled or stopped if toxic cadmium has replaced zinc in key areas of the cells. 

Toxic Arsenic: Arsenic causes dullness of brain function, but also interferes with essential minerals such as oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. These minerals are needed for detoxification, energy production, protein synthesis and more. Arsenic toxicity is linked to enzyme inhibition and anemia. 

High levels of toxic metals, imbalanced ratios of essential minerals, toxic forms of essential minerals, extremely high or extremely low mineral levels, these all contribute to, or may be the actual cause of Sickle Cell Anemia. For this reason, I do not personally believe that gene therapy will be successful without these nutritional issues being addressed. Whether a person has a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, or a gene therapy, nutritional chemistry within the body must be functional for health. We do need many more clients to practice the program given on this website so that we can engage in more research. Contact me to start a Nutritional Balancing Program, because this is the age in which our community will be Prospering with Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

Meaning and Importance of Balancing Mineral Ratios for Sickle Cell Clients Part 1

When a sickle cell client does a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, there are six different mineral ratios that are measured and recorded on the test results. These are:

  1. Calcium/Magnesium Ratio

  2. Calcium/Potassium Ratio

  3. Sodium/Magnesium Ratio

  4. Sodium/Potassium Ratio

  5. Zinc/Copper Ratio

  6. Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio

In an earlier blog we discussed the basic functions of all of these elements individually. But when these synergistic and antagonistic elements are measured against each other and recorded as ratios, they give so much information about the state of the person, not only biochemically and physically, but also mentally and emotionally. In this article we will briefly discuss some of the key importances of each ratio.

Calcium/Magnesium Ratio: The ideal Calcium/Magnesium ratio on a Hair Analysis from Analytical Research Labs is 6.67. The closer the ratio is to 6.67, the better functionality a person will have within this ratio's parameters. Both elements are structural minerals, calcium being structural to the skeletal system, and magnesium to the enzyme system. Calcium resides mainly outside of the cell, while magnesium within the cell. Calcium also works as a relaxant to the nerves and muscles, while magnesium works to produce energy within the mitochondria. 

Ca/Mg is known as the “Carbohydrate ratio”. When one has too many carbs in the diet, especially simple carbohydrates such as lots of breads and junk food, the Ca/Mg ratio will tend to be high. Since carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the cells, an imbalanced Ca/Mg ratio will result in inefficient energy production. In electrical components, the voltage to amperage ratio must be within a certain range for efficient energy production in a given device. Similarly, calcium can be compared to the voltage (compressive pressure), while magnesium compares to amperage (intensity). An imbalanced Ca/Mg ratio can result in frequent fatigue, low energy, or high levels of energy after certain meals, followed by crashes in energy.

The Ca/Mg ratio is also called the “Lifestyle ratio”, because it can be greatly affected by one’s personal lifestyle. The daily thoughts, activities, relationship dynamics, stress levels, and diet can help bring this ratio into balance or out of acceptable range. As a sickle cell client, one must choose to seek The Heavenly Father’s will for their life, and begin walking in it. If God has given you the vision to become a scientist, or a biochemist, begin to walk out that dream by learning, studying, enrolling in courses and taking the necessary steps to achieve this goal. If you are married, do the necessary tasks that will lead to a peaceful and wholesome relationship with your spouse. Living a righteous and Godly lifestyle is very key to balancing this ratio, in addition to the proper diet and mineral supplements given on a full Nutritional Balancing Program. 

Calcium/Potassium Ratio: This ratio is one of the ratios used mathematically to determine the oxidation rate for our clients. Ca/K ratio is referred to as the Thyroid ratio, because it directly affects the functionality of the thyroid gland. Tissues that receive thyroid hormone in the body are made sensitive to thyroid hormones by potassium. Thyroid hormone also lowers calcium levels. Therefore these minerals must be as close to the ideal range as possible for optimal thyroid function and optimal effects of thyroid hormone in the body. The ideal Ca/K ratio is 4.0. 

Blood tests measure thyroid hormone levels in the blood, but hair analysis gives a better indicator of the thyroid hormone levels in the cells. This is an advantage of utilizing a hair analysis. Thyroid hormone must be able to efficiently penetrate the cell membrane and integrate properly. Cell wall permeability may be dysfunctional due to a lack of omega 3 fatty acids, too much calcium in the tissues, or a list of other imbalances. The Ca/K ratio gives us a snapshot of whether there is an impairment or overabundance of thyroid stimulation and activity. 

A sluggish thyroid will be marked by a high Ca/K ratio, and an overstimulated thyroid will be marked by a low Ca/K ratio. Certain nutritional supplements along with high amounts of cooked vegetables, good complex carbs, and high quality animal protein such as chicken, turkey, lamb, and bison, help balance this ratio. A Godly lifestyle and consistent prayer and Bible reading, healing scriptures in particular, will accelerate the balance of thyroid activity.

Sodium/Magnesium Ratio: The Na/Mg ratio is the other ratio used to determine the oxidation rate of a client. This ratio is known as the “Adrenal ratio”, because it gives an excellent indication of the functionality of the adrenal system. Aldosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Aldosterone regulates sodium retention in the kidneys. The kidneys in turn regulate sodium in the blood, which affects sodium tissue levels. The ideal Na/Mg ratio is 4.17. A ratio higher than 4.17 indicates hyperactivity of the adrenal glands. A ratio lower than 4.17 indicates reduced or sluggish adrenal function. 

This ratio along with the Ca/K ratio are used to determine the oxidation rate of the client. The oxidation rate is extremely important because it determines if the client will be taking specific supplements such as “SBF Formula” in order to slow down a fast oxidation rate. Or if Endodren and Megapan will be taken to speed up a slow oxidation rate. These supplements are different combinations of minerals and vitamins originally formulated by Dr. Paul Eck, founder of Analytical Research labs, and Endomet Laboratories. 

Part 2 of this article will cover the Sodium/Potassium, Zinc/Copper, and Calcium/Phosphorus ratios.

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

Meaning and Importance of Balancing Mineral Ratios for Sickle Cell Clients Part 2

This article will discuss the second half of mineral ratios that are tested on the Analytical Research Labs hair analysis. 

Sodium/Potassium Ratio: The Ideal ratio for Na/K is 2.5. This ratio is the most important ratio out of the six ratios. It is referred to by Dr. Paul Eck as the “Vitality Ratio”. Sodium is connected to the inherent strength and power of a person. This comes from the adrenal glands and kidneys. Much of the body’s strength and power are generated from these zones. Potassium is connected more to the will of an individual. The inherent invisible will to achieve a task, goal, or accomplishment relates to proper levels of potassium, which sensitizes the body to thyroid hormone.

Sodium/Potassium ratio gives us an excellent synopsis of the thyroid and adrenal gland functionality. A balanced Na/K ratio, in good ranges, gives a person natural strength and will to excel and accomplish. Of course, like all other aspects of life, there are other factors that contribute to success and accomplishment. Righteous living, prayer, and scripture reading are ways to get spiritual strength from God, which will have a positive effect on the vitality ratio, and all other ratios.

Female reproductive issues such as PMS can show improvement as the Na/K ratio becomes balanced. Sodium is necessary for the production of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, and with estrogen. Potassium is instrumental in the formation of the hormone cortisol. Most adults actually have a low sodium/potassium ratio, meaning their potassium is too high in relation to their sodium, which causes excess cortisol production, consequently leading to excess catabolism of the body’s tissues. The body begins breaking down amino acids, proteins, and tissues faster than it is able to rebuild them. This is a degenerate state. 

From our research, we have seen that often clients with sickle cell anemia have low sodium/potassium ratios, with excessive amounts of a toxic oxide form of potassium. This causes the body to break down much faster than it is able to rebuild. When toxic potassium begins to be released from the tissues, and the sodium/potassium ratio begins to balance, we may be able to see greater strength levels, greater physical growth, and overall health for sickle cell clients. A low sodium/potassium ratio has many symptoms that are also seen in sickle cell clients. Below is a list of some of these symptoms.

  1. Fatigue

  2. Adrenal weakness

  3. Chronic infections

  4. Liver & Kidney stress

  5. Cardiovascular stress

  6. Reduced immune response

  7. Catabolic state

A low sodium/potassium ratio can create a mental environment of negative thoughts. This is most likely due to the idea that when the body is in bad condition, the etheric field around the body that protects it from demonic spiritual forces and transmissions is weakened, leaving the brain and central belly brain susceptible to attack. Frustration, hostility, and resentment are some of the negative emotions seen with significantly low Na/K ratios. When a client is on a proper Nutritional Balancing Program, toxic heavy metals and chemicals begin to be removed from the body, which may temporarily cause some healing reactions. During this time it is important to do a daily coffee enema, to help cleanse the liver, kidneys, and intestinal tract.

Zinc/Copper Ratio: Zinc and copper are synergist minerals towards each other, but also antagonists to each other. Thus, keeping a relatively balanced zinc/copper ratio will contribute to other mineral levels, and characteristics of the body and mind. The ideal zinc/copper ratio is 8.0. Zinc and copper are synergistic because they both contribute to:

  1. The stress response

  2. Helping to regulate the levels of macrominerals

  3. Mental and emotional states of being

Zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other in certain ways. Copper tends to raise sodium and lower potassium while zinc tends to raise potassium and lower sodium. Having balanced levels of zinc and copper tend to contribute to a more balanced sodium/potassium ratio. Zinc can be recognized as a calming or sedative neurotransmitter, along with Calcium and Magnesium. These elements have a relaxing effect on the brain. Copper stimulates the production of excitatory and stimulating chemicals and hormones such as adrenaline and dopamine. 

The frontal lobes of the brain, also known as the neocortex, are activated by zinc, stimulating higher logical brain function. Copper activates the emotional and impulsive part of the brain, the diencephalon. Both parts of the brain need to be active in a balanced way, in order to be a wise, intelligent, yet loving and compassionate person. Zinc is important for both males and females, but zinc is even more important for the male reproductive system. Copper is more important for the female reproductive system. Delayed puberty in boys, low sexual function in men, low testosterone, is contributed to by zinc deficiency. Dozens of female reproductive system problems stem from biounavailable copper toxicity.

Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio: The calcium/phosphorus ratio gives a good understanding of the state of the autonomic nervous system. Two sides of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. As spoken about in another article, calcium is a structural mineral, very necessary for strong bones, teeth, and connective tissue. Calcium is also necessary in the right form and quantity in order for cells to have healthy cell wall permeability. The sympathetic nervous system is activated when high energy is needed. But when this system is overactive for too long, one becomes sympathetic dominant, and calcium and magnesium levels are lowered within the cells. The relaxing and sedative neurotransmitters calcium and magnesium when lowered for too long can cause anxiety problems. 

The ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 2.5. Phosphorus is the main ingredient in the production of ATP, or energy within the cells. An overabundant amount of phosphorus, causing a low ratio, indicates the body being in a catabolic state. Tissues are not being repaired and protein synthesis is dysfunctional, which in turn increases stress levels and stress hormone production. What we need is a well balanced autonomic nervous system. When we need energy and fast moving, fast acting activity, our bodies are able to step up to the task and complete the activity. But after our activities are complete, we must be able to switch into parasympathetic nervous system mode, for relaxation, sleep, and repair of the body cells and tissues. Balancing this ratio helps to improve the quality and strength of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary, and hypothalamus gland, along with a host of other things. 

The personality also begins to mature and develop. In order to accomplish this for our sickle cell clients, we must endeavor in a full Nutritional Balancing Program, starting with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Taking the proper nutritional supplements based on test results, along with the proper diet and lifestyle adjustments will begin to remove toxins that cause mineral imbalance, and mineralize the body with high quality nutrition. Along with the detoxification procedures, these activities can begin to balance the entire nervous system, along with the other systems of the body. To begin a program please contact me via email, text, or phone call. Also, you can purchase a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis kit at our store on this website. This is the time for us to be Prospering with Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

Blog 03: Importance of Essential Trace Mineral Balance for Sickle Cell Anemia

It all begins with an idea.

Trace minerals are always necessary as cofactors for the production of enzymes. Enzymes are strings of amino acids or proteins that act to catalyze millions of chemical reactions in the body that produce health, strength, and regulation of all systems of the body. It is theorized that Sickle Cell Anemia is not simply a “genetic mutation”, but occurs because of the lack of efficient production of a single or multiple enzymes. Currently we are looking to conduct research on this theory. It is certain that trace minerals such as zinc, copper, manganese, iron, chromium, selenium, iodine, lithium, boron, molybdenum, and more are very necessary for enzyme production. Let’s take a closer look at some trace minerals, and their role in the life of a sickle cell warrior.

Zinc: It is not commonly taught that minerals act as neurotransmitters, and directly affect the brain, will, and emotions. But this is absolutely true. Zinc is a neurotransmitter in the body that helps to activate the neocortex of the brain. Adequate levels of zinc allows the sickle cell warrior to utilize the higher functioning parts of the brain, leading to better decision making, greater wisdom and intelligence. Unfortunately, most people, but especially those born with SCA have a deficiency of zinc, and a toxic amount of copper in their bodies. Zinc and copper are synergists, meaning that they work together in tandem to facilitate certain actions in the cells. But when they are not at healthy levels, or bio-unavailable (not in the correct form within the body to be properly absorbed and utilized), damages can be seen in the body. Zinc is very important for puberty, and sexual and reproductive development, especially in boys. Adequate levels of zinc in the cells act as antioxidants and help fight infection. Low levels of zinc is synonymous with higher risks of infection and copper toxicity. Some other functions of zinc are:

Helps Protein Synthesis: Needed for RNA transferase production and enzymes required to make hormones, proteins and tissues.

Helps with Eye Vision

Helps with Cardiovascular System: Helps maintain elasticity and strength within the arterial walls, stabilizing blood pressure. 

Helps Alkaline the Body

Needed for proper Oxygen/Carbon dioxide balance: Zinc is necessary for production of an enzyme that removes carbon dioxide from the body, helping regulate oxygen levels. 

Helps produce digestive enzymes

Helps regulate appetite

Helps Endocrine System: Zinc is needed in small amounts for most hormone production

Necessary for Blood Health: Low zinc can lead to anemias due to lead or copper toxicity.

Helps develop strong bone and muscle tissue

Needed for skin, hair, and nail health

Zinc is an anti-inflammatory mineral: Inflammatory symptoms such as pain, are combated by zinc

Helps detoxify the body of toxic metals and bio-unavailable copper

Copper: Copper is very important and necessary for healthy bones and connective tissues. All tissues in the body from tendons, and ligaments to veins and arteries require copper for production. When copper is bio-unavailable, and not in the proper balance, all kinds of skin problems, and conditions such as bone loss and fibromyalgia can occur. Energy is produced in our cells through a process called the Krebs cycle. The last stage of the Krebs cycle is called the electron transport system. Copper is needed for this last step to occur properly and produce the maximum amount of adaptive energy. If one has toxic high levels of copper or bio-unavailable copper, zinc levels are lowered by the copper, creating an environment where infections, yeast, bad bacteria, and fungus can grow.

The glandular system, in particular the thyroid and adrenal glands are sensitive to copper. Copper is needed for hormone production in these glands. Copper is strongly related to estrogen, and is necessary for women’s fertility and healthy bioavailable levels are necessary for maintaining a pregnancy. Imbalances in copper contribute to all female reproductive conditions, such as PMS, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, miscarriages, and endometriosis. 

Copper is needed to produce neurotransmitters necessary for healthy and happy thinking and feelings. Toxic forms of copper can dysregulate the nervous system, causing emotional and neurological complications such as memory loss, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. 

Zinc and copper balance is necessary for health and strength. In order to balance this tandem of trace minerals, one needs to be on a Nutritional Balancing Program. It is extremely important for all Sickle Cell Anemia clients to get a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis done so that we can properly assign the correct mineral and vitamins supplements that will help balance copper and zinc  levels. It is also imperative to eat high levels of cooked vegetables, and adequate amounts of animal protein. 

Iron: The elements; Iron, Manganese, Chromium, and Selenium are closely related to each other. When one of these element levels is measured on a hair analysis, it is easy to predict the condition of the other levels. When one mineral is shown as bio-unavailable, it is safe to assume that all the other trace minerals are also in the body in a bio-unavailable form, causing damage. Some of the functions of iron are as follows:

Helps Oxygen Transport: Iron is essential for healthy functioning Hemoglobin, which is extremely essential in the life of every Sickle Cell Warrior. Hemoglobin carries oxygen in the blood.

Helps with muscle formation and function

Necessary for Energy Production: Like copper, bioavailable form of iron is necessary in the electron transport system within the Krebs cycle. If toxic forms of iron are in the body, reduced energy levels occur, something often seen in Sickle cell anemia.

Helps break down proteins and amino acids in the body

Helps prevent oxidant damage, and is necessary to build enzymes that detoxify the liver

Helps with sense of direction: Iron in the brain acts as a compass, and helps give natural instinct and sense of direction.

Great sources of iron are meats, poultry, and sardines. Green vegetables contain some iron. Vegan or vegetarian diets can reduce the amount of bioavailable iron in the body, causing inflammation, infections, emotional problems, diabetes, and different cancers. A properly followed Nutritional Balancing Program helps to safely and effectively build balanced levels of iron, while simultaneously removing toxic forms of the mineral. When toxic forms of iron are removed from the body with the proper diet, detoxification procedures such as coffee enemas, and proper supplements based on a hair tissue mineral analysis, the following may be seen: Improved liver function, less inflammation symptoms, reduces levels of anger and arrogance, and reduction of infections.

Manganese: Manganese is also needed for energy production in the mitochondria of the cell. Like the minerals above, manganese is necessary for healthy skeletal bones, tissues such as skin, hair, tendons, ligaments and muscles. Manganese is a necessary component to build compounds that regulate fluid between cells. Manganese is required for healthy cell membranes, in particular for the heart, pancreas, liver, and kidneys. 

Bioavailable forms of manganese help build an enzyme that catalyzes a chemical reaction that helps remove waste products from the cells. Vision and hearing health also requires proper levels of manganese. The metabolism of cholesterol within the liver also depends on manganese. People with diabetes often have manganese deficiency, or most usually toxic levels of bio-unavailable manganese in their cells. 

Manganese is needed for multiple neurotransmitter synthesis, along with the adequate production of thyroid hormone T4. Kelp is a nutritional supplement high in manganese, which is usually assigned as a supplement for sickle cell clients. Other foods such as corn are good sources of manganese. A diet rich in cooked vegetables, good animal protein and complex carbohydrates such as African yam are wonderful for balancing manganese. When a full Nutritional Balancing Program is followed, toxic forms of manganese begin to be released from the body and replaced with bioavailable forms. 

Chromium: Chromium is essential for glucose regulation. It helps to move sugar through the cell membranes. This of course is essential for blood sugar. Chromium also plays a hand in protein synthesis, by participating in DNA and RNA replication. Chromium also is needed to regulate cholesterol levels. Kelp and others good seafood such as sardines are good sources of chromium, in addition to egg yolks, and peanuts. Eating a Nutritional Balancing diet, and taking the recommended supplements after a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis will help remove any bio-unavailable chromium, and help supply the body with usable bioavailable chromium.

Selenium: Selenium helps to alkalinize the body, reducing unhealthy acidity. Dr. Larry Wilson considers selenium a mineral that contributes to higher level thinking, wisdom, and intelligence. Some of the functions of selenium are:

Helps Mental Health: Selenium’s effect on the brain causes a person to have a smooth and healthy mental state.

Necessary for Protein Synthesis: Selenium is involved in the making of Transfer RNA. Therefore very important adequate protein synthesis

Helps Produce anti-inflammatory Substances

Plays an important role in Metabolism

Included in production of enzyme that removes lactic acid from the body, causing a more alkaline environment

Helps Improve Immune System

Helps Cardiovascular Health: Selenium is needed to produce Coenzyme Q-10. When selenium is at healthy levels, Coenzyme Q-10 is produced naturally in the body. It boosts energy and is beneficial for the heart and cardiovascular system.

Helps Remove Free Radicals from the body

Helps produce an enzyme that facilitates production of Glutathione, a compound necessary for liver detoxification.

Helps maintain healthy bones and teeth

Helps form thyroid hormones

Healthy for the reproductive system

Essential is the transport of oxygen within red blood cells, which is important for our Sickle Cell Anemia clients

Helps Remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, and nickel

Selenium is said to make people have higher emotions such as joy, compassion, and peacefulness. Some sources are cooked corn, blue corn chips, and astragalus.

In order to help facilitate the balancing of these minerals that are critical for our life, health, and strength, consider following a Nutritional Balancing Program. Starting with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis, we will suggest the proper nutritional supplements, diet, and detoxification procedures that may help you begin to flourish, and grow in health and peace of mind. Thank you for reading. May the Lord richly bless you to Prosper with Sickle Cell Anemia.  

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

Blog 02: Importance of Essential Macro-Mineral Balance for Sickle Cell Anemia

It all begins with an idea.

The correct level and ratios of essential minerals within the body is highly important for Sickle Cell Anemia, and overall health in general for all people. Minerals can be categorized into macro-minerals (electrolytes), or trace minerals. Each mineral serves a critical function in the cells. In addition, there are ratios that exist between specific minerals that must be maintained within a certain numerical range on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. A ratio between two minerals, meaning the test level value of one mineral compared to another, affects larger and critical functions in the body. Improving the health and quality of life for SCA Warriors is not about administering remedies, or developing pain relief mechanisms alone. 

Deeper and lasting quality of life improvements come from deep healing at the cellular level, and restoration of proper mineral levels and ratios. Bioavailable forms of mineral nutrients are in the correct form to be absorbed and utilized in the body for our health and strength. Oftentimes in sickle cell anemia clients, many minerals are largely in a bio-unavailable form. In this form, the nutrients are not able to be used and absorbed into the cells. When this happens, the bio-unavailable form of minerals begins to have a toxic effect in the body. In this article, we will discuss the importance of macro-mineral levels and ratios when tested on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. 

Analytical Research Laboratories is the lab that does our Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Tests. The macro-minerals tested at ARL are Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and Phosphorus. Sulfur and Chlorine are also macro-minerals, but are not tested by our hair analysis machine because they are more difficult to get a good reading on. Sulfur and chlorine can be approximated by properly interpreting other mineral levels and ratios. Macro-minerals serve many critical functions in the body, one of the main functions being osmotic (movement of liquid from one part of the body to another through a membrane) and fluid regulation, along with pH balance. Nutritional Balancing Science gently over time rebalances mineral levels and ratios through a proper diet of high levels of cooked vegetables, proper animal protein, complex carbohydrates, and specific nutritional supplements 2-3 times per day. Detoxification of heavy metals helps the rebalancing process. Our detoxification procedures include infrared saunas, coffee enemas, and perhaps more. Below is a synopsis of the macro-minerals and their importance in the lives of SCA Warriors. 

Calcium: Calcium is largely found in the bones as it is a structural mineral. Calcium is found in smaller quantities in the blood and nerve tissue. Almond milk, almond butter, daily carrot juice, nuts and seeds contain good amounts of calcium. We utilize a combination of carrot and beet juice in our health regimen.


Ph Balance - alkaline mineral helping to neutralize lactic acid, and maintain proper pH balance in tissues and blood.

Helps Fat Digestion

Helps Blood clotting

Detoxification - Calcium is an antagonist to lead and cadmium, helping to keep these toxic metals from accumulating in the body.

Helps phosphorus metabolism and energy production in the Krebs cycle - Is necessary for efficient energy production.

Autonomic Balance - Reduces stress by inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system when necessary.

Helps Cell Division 

Helps hormone secretion

Helps Thyroid and Parathyroid activity: Calcium inhibits hormone TSH.

Helps Cell Permeability Regulation

Helps Muscle and Nerve Contraction & Regulation

Strengthens the Bones

Magnesium: Magnesium is a building block for enzymes in the cells. When and wherever enzymes are required to develop and function, by catalyzing chemical functions, magnesium is necessary. Magnesium must be bioavailable in order to be utilized in the cell’s enzymes. Enzymes regulating sugar metabolism, energy production, cell membrane permeability, and muscle and nerve conduction, need magnesium to form and function optimally. For an explanation of mineral bioavailability, read this article. Cooked vegetables, cooked whole grains, and nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium. High stress and/or too much exercise lowers magnesium levels. Magnesium is paired with calcium in the body because it works in conjunction with calcium. For this reason, calcium and magnesium are paired together in the Endomet Labs mineral supplements that we use.

Sodium: Sodium is found extracellularly or outside of the cell. It is a soluble and volatile mineral. Volatility refers to an element's ability to vaporize easily. Sodium’s solubility makes it able to dissolve many chemicals in the body, in order for them to be used efficiently. Sodium helps to regulate fluid balance and pH balance. Sodium is regulated largely by the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue can cause low sodium readings on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Sodium also functions as one pole of an electrochemical battery in the body. Sodium outside of the cell interacts with potassium inside of the cell and generates electrical potential. This electrical potential can be compared to voltage or power/energy. Adequate levels of sodium in the body in comparison to potassium helps the SCA Warrior to have adaptive energy and power to maintain a strong physical constitution and high vitality.

Proper levels of sodium help to regulate stomach acid levels, blood pressure, cell permeability, neuromuscular connection, nerve impulse conduction, the pituitary gland in the brain, the thyroid, and pancreas. Adrenal and kidney health are responsible for healthy sodium levels on a HTMA. Nutritional Balancing Science is designed to foster a lifestyle that strengthens the power and energy of the kidneys and adrenal glands. 


Potassium: Potassium resides mostly inside of the cell, and interacts with sodium outside of the cell through what is called the sodium potassium pump. The electrical interaction between these two minerals when in a healthy and optimal condition helps a person to have adaptive energy. Potassium helps to regulate cortisol production in the adrenal glands. Potassium makes the cells more permeable to thyroid hormone, insulin, and other important chemicals. Potassium’s electric charge makes it necessary for heart nerve conduction. 

The proper functioning of the heart depends in a way on appropriate amounts of bioavailable potassium for the heart. What we have noticed with a small sample size is that sickle cell anemia clients may have a tendency of having extremely high levels of bio-unavailable potassium, which in turn causes a dysregulation of blood viscosity and CO2 transport in red blood cells, leading to dehydrated blood cells. When there is a high level of bio-unavailable potassium on a hair tissue mineral analysis, this form of potassium actually becomes toxic to the cells and the body. On a HTMA, high levels of bio-unavailable potassium usually creates a very low sodium/potassium ratio, which creates an environment in the body of low vitality and energy. 

Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a fiery mineral and is necessary for fueling the body. It is found in protein foods. 


Helps with bone formation

Helps osmotic blood fluid balance

Needed for DNA & RNA synthesis: DNA and RNA are necessary to develop all proteins, enzymes, hormones, and chemicals in the body.

Helps cell membrane function

Helps the Nervous System: Phosphorus is necessary for the building of the myelin sheath on the nerve fibers. Phosphorus is needed for high level and critical thinking. The best form of phosphorus comes from animal meat. We strongly discourage Sickle Cell Warriors from being vegetarian or vegan.

Helps Growth and Development

Necessary for Energy Generation: ATP is the fuel generated in each cell to be converted to energy used by the body and brain.

Toxins and heavy metals can deplete phosphorus in the body. Phosphorus can also be in a bio-unavailable form, thus can cause damage if not in the right form, at acceptable levels. Protein synthesis, or the creation of proteins in the body are dependent upon phosphorus. Low phosphorus levels indicate healing impairment. The Nutritional Balancing Program is designed to increase the level of bioavailable phosphorus and reduce toxic metals. Phosphorus levels are an indicator of high or low vitality. Sometimes copper toxicity can interrupt with the absorption of good forms of phosphorus. 

The Nutritional Balancing Program is designed to regulate the levels of the macro-minerals in the body. It also corrects imbalances and disproportions in ratios between pairs of minerals. Simultaneously Nutritional Balancing when done properly helps remove bio-unavialable forms of minerals from the body and replaces them with bioavailable and absorbable forms. Removing toxic metals and chemicals through the proper diet, detoxification procedures, and nutrient supplementation helps strengthen the body of Sickle Cell Anemia clients, causing a healing journey, improving the quality of life of our people. With Jesus Christ we can do all things, and through His Spirit, we can Prosper with Sickle Cell Anemia.

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Dante Berry . Dante Berry .

Blog 01: Oxidation Rate Balancing Helps Sickle Cell Clients

It all begins with an idea.

When referring to metabolic types, or categories made in order to place clients into specific groups based on their biochemical similarities, we refer to the phrase “Oxidation Rate”. Our bodies continuously seek a status of homeostasis. When certain hormones are produced in excess, countermeasures are taken by different parts of the body in an attempt to balance that equation. In the science of Nutritional Balancing, one can either be a “fast oxidizer”, a “slow oxidizer” or a “mixed oxidizer”. Each of these metabolic types have certain chemical markers that can be distinguished by a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test. 

Fast oxidation in a person brings characteristics of anxiety, nervous energy, fast thinking, and acute levels of stress. When a person, especially an adult is stuck in fast oxidation biochemically, or through lifestyle behaviors, physical symptoms can occur such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart attacks, and any symptom caused by excess cortisol production.

Fast oxidation is determined on a HTMA by a Calcium/Potassium ratio of less than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio greater than 4.17. The lower the calcium/potassium ratio and or the higher the sodium/magnesium ratio, the faster the oxidation rate is. Extremely fast oxidation in a person usually leads to inflammation and illness. When a fast oxidation rate is present, we utilize specific supplements and a diet rich in animal fats, cooked vegetables, protein and a little grains in order to bring the oxidation rate into a more flexible balance. Our goal is for the Sickle Cell Warrior to have a malleable, flexible oxidation rate that is able to switch from fast to slow, to mixed when the life situation calls for it. 

In fast oxidation there is excess activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands, producing excess hormones that increase stress on the body over time. Childhood vaccinations have been linked to excessively fast oxidation in children. Many stresses of life can lead to fear, anxiety, and irritability, which lead to fast oxidation. Through specific lifestyle changes, and renewing the mind into the mind of Jesus Christ, one can balance the oxidation rate. Certain diet and daily supplements, along with detoxification procedures such as coffee enemas and infrared heat saunas are greatly beneficial in balancing oxidation.

Slow oxidation within a person often comes with specific personality characteristics. They show many signs of being burned out, tired, and lethargic. Little motivation for growth and progression is seen in those with severe slow oxidation rates. Simple daily activities such as cleaning, studying, and working diligently are a difficult task because the systems of the body are sluggish. Instead of excessive adrenal and thyroid activity, there is a reduction in hormones and strength generated from these glands. Over time with a Nutritional Balancing program, mineral levels and ratios are improved, which begin to slowly increase the ability for the body to produce energy. As the cells produce more energy, the oxidation rate begins to balance itself. 

In a slow oxidizer, the nervous system has been taxed, and the autonomic nervous system is dominated in a detrimental way by the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system in slow oxidation is usually functioning but in a non efficient manner. Introversion, seclusion, apathy, and depression can set in, partly due to impaired energy production in the cell’s mitochondria. 

Slow oxidation can be determined on a HTMA by seeing a Calcium/Potassium ratio of greater than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio of 4.17 or less. The more extreme the ratios, the slower the oxidation rate, and the greater the negative symptoms become.

Mixed oxidizers can display symptoms of both fast and slow oxidation at times. This may sound good, but often mixed oxidation must still be balanced because there can be an extreme level of one ratio vs the other. Mathematically on a HTMA, a mixed oxidation rate consists of a Calcium/Potassium ratio greater than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio greater than 4.17, or a Calcium/Potassium ratio less than 4 AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio less than 4.17. If one of these ratios is extreme, one can be a fast emphasized mixed oxidizer, or a slow emphasized mixed oxidizer. 

When ratios are all within the optimal ranges on a HTMA, the oxidation rate is flexible. With a flexible oxidation rate, cell permeability is healthy, energy production within the cell is healthy, and the Sickle Cell client may have overall greater energy within the cells and bone marrow, producing a greater ability to remove harmful and detrimental heavy metals and other toxins. 

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